
We are a team of professionals dedicated to comprehensive foot care. We have extensive knowledge in the fields of human anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and biomechanics of the lower limb. We focus on the treatment and prevention of foot diseases.

+506 4703-5280

Plaza Del Rio - San Rafael de Escazú, San José - Costa Rica.

Monday - Friday 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Saturday - 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM

+ 506 6243-0419


Book an Appointment


Learn about the services we provide at Andar Costa Rica. We are confident about the solution you are looking for.
Andar Costa Rica  >  Services

Discover our specialized services in foot care

At Andar Costa Rica, we take pride in offering a full range of services designed to give your feet the attention they deserve. From relaxing cleansing treatments to precise diagnoses and specialized treatments, we are here to take care of the health and well-being of your feet.

Trust our podiatry experts to provide you with a personalized and high-quality care experience. Your feet deserve the best, and we are here to provide it.

Medical Consultation


Take care of your feet today! Schedule your appointment here.

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