
We are a team of professionals dedicated to comprehensive foot care. We have extensive knowledge in the fields of human anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and biomechanics of the lower limb. We focus on the treatment and prevention of foot diseases.

+506 4703-5280

Plaza Del Rio - San Rafael de Escazú, San José - Costa Rica.

Monday - Friday 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Saturday - 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM

+ 506 6243-0419


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Andar Costa Rica  >  Deep Feet Cleaning

Deep Feet Cleaning

The podiatry is a field of medicine that deals with the study, diagnosis and treatment of the feet, their illnesses, and their alterations.

We provide a deep cleaning of the feet as:

General Review:  Consists on a general revision of the mobility and condition of the skin and nails of the feet.

Hydrotherapy:  It is the use of water to relieve discomfort and promote physical well-being, in which them properties of the water have a great therapeutic value, whose consistency can be hot, cold or an average temperature in constant agitation. This is achieving by the injection of underwater jet producing a micro-massage that helps to reduce the pressure of the effect of the gravity.

Podiatry cut:  it is the art of cutting the nails properly, cleaning of channels and polished of a nail to avoid onychodactyl injuries.  Diabetes patients will receive specialized attention.

Removal of callus: The house treatment of ugly, annoying, and usually painful callus is not always a solution. The removal of calluses should be practiced by a professional.

Exfoliation and hydration:  With a deep exfoliation treatment, you can remove dead skin cells. At the same time cells, can be regenerated, pain can be alleviated, inflammation disappears, and the patient will feel rested and relaxed feet.

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